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Advanced Academics

Program Overview

Magnolia Independent School District offers a continuum of advanced academics services for students K-12 that builds upon students’ individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all learners.

Magnolia ISD Advanced Academics Programs offers several types of challenging learning experiences to meet the needs of a broad range of advanced learners. Advanced Academics services are implemented using a school-based model in the following ways

  • All students engage in classrooms with comprehensive, structured, sequenced, and appropriately challenging content.

  • Students who require differentiated extension lessons in areas of academic strength are served through advanced level stations or small group work. 

  • Through grade 5, students who are identified for GT services are provided the opportunity to work together in a group setting for a minimum of two hours per week.

Alana Wood
Director of Social Studies & Advanced Academics


Alana Wood Director of Advanced Academics and Social Studies

Program Descriptions