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Procurement Transparency

Magnolia ISD believes in providing our taxpayers the utmost transparency in all areas of business. The goal of the Procurement Transparency page is to present the information in a way that is easily understood by all. 


2022-2023 Information

Spending on procurement and contracting activities total - $60,955,136.78               

Expenditure per student amounts - $4,353.94

Total number of publicly posted bidding and contracting opportunities opened

RFP = 12

RFQ = 0

IFCB = 0

Total number of closed bids/solicitations or awarded contracts 

RFP = 10

RFQ = 0

IFCB = 0

Total dollar amount of bids received from invitations for bids or requests for proposals

RFP = 179,628,901

RFQ = 0

IFCB = 0

*RFP - Request For Proposals; RFQ - Request For Qualifications; IFCB - Invitation For Competitive Bids

Expenditure per student