The Magnolia Education Foundation took to the streets for its annual Grant Patrol to award 20 grants to 49 teachers at 12 campuses. Over $73,000 was awarded to teachers in various subjects, including reading, math, science, music, and career and technical education.
The Foundation and its Grant Patrol aim to support educators by enhancing the learning experience for students by providing funds for innovative projects, resources, and materials.
Some of this year's grants include:
an augmented reality topography sandbox to create geographical formations and learn about water collection and erosion; an Algebra Escape Room; an Aquaponics system for students to learn about animals, plants, and sustainability; Field Trips in a Box where students have a hands-on, interactive approach to visiting State and National landmarks.
"By awarding grants, we are able to recognize and celebrate the dedication and creativity of teachers and their commitment to enriching education in Magnolia ISD," said MEF President, Tina Slansky.
Grants are awarded based on the project, its impact on student learning, the implementation of the grant, and whether the grant provides an inventive approach that leads with a creative and innovative idea.
See Words? C-Pen: C-Pen portable text-to-speech device
Smith Elementary - Ariel Kulszizki & Trisha Hacker
Students are able to independently scan and listen to physical text anywhere in the classroom bridging the gap between reading aloud and independent reading.
Growing Readers Together
Smith Elementary - Elizabeth Harms
Students and families will gain access to a diverse array of resources in their native language, coupled with manipulatives to foster a sturdy foundation in fundamental skills required for reading success.
Graphing Motion with SMART Carts: Pasco’s smart carts
Bear Branch Junior High - Laura Hays & Mandy Beuershausen
Pasco’s Smart Carts will allow students to explore the concepts of speed and motion in Laura Hays and Mandy Beuershausen's classrooms. As movement occurs, the smart carts are Bluetooth-enabled to transmit data to computer software wirelessly. The movement of these carts will be graphed in live time for students at Bear Branch Jr. High to analyze.
Grow Bot Laboratory: Tower garden, robotic arm, roller seats
Bear Branch Junior High - Guy Holcomb
Students in Guy Holcomb‘s class will get to combine the power of plants with robotics and coding curriculum with his Grow-Bot Laboratory! They will grow produce in the tower garden and code Dobot Magician robotic arm to harvest food they have grown!
The Great Ukulele Adventure: ukuleles
Ellisor Elementary - Suzanne Reich
First through fourth grade students will have the opportunity to learn to play string instruments through The Great Ukulele Adventure!
Adventure Awaits with Storypod
Bear Branch Elementary - Heather Cowham, Megan McCarty, Cathay Wroten, Stephanie Simpson, Karyn Schiebelhut, & Griselda Montenegro
Librarian Heather Cowham and the first-grade ELAR team, Megan McCarty, Cathy Wroten, Stephanie Simpson, Karyn Schiebelhut, and Griselda Montenegro, will use Storypods to engage students with interactive content while promoting independent learning, decision making and creativity!
Picture This
Magnolia Parkway Elementary - Dana Pasket
Picture This" is an innovative project that will enhance and expand students' view of the world through photography. During class, students will learn to apply the elements of art for creative expression and to see the world in a whole new way.
AR Topography Sandbox
Magnolia High School - Julie Haranda
Topobox will allow students to create different geographic formations, from mountains to valleys to river deltas to flood plains, and watch water collect and flow over various watersheds. The large sand table is equipped with sensors and lights that read the sand below and project topographic lines, colors, and "water".
Increasing Blooming Curiosities
Magnolia High School - Tiffany Waits
The floral design students in Tiffany Wait's class are getting new stainless steel tables with wheels! This will address the need for additional equipment to encourage the continued growth of enrollment in the Floral Design courses.
Oh the Places Math Will Go: Collaborative Learning Spaces
Magnolia Intermediate - Misty Thomas, Brooke Cowger, Shauna Hood, Monica Jacobs, Taylor Haynie, Daniel Nelson & Jackie Dahlin
This grant will transform classrooms into collaborative learning spaces such as surgical stations equipped with math "patients" in need of solutions, a real-life game of Clue for students to solve math mysteries, and so much more!
Going for the Goal: Morning Soccer Club
Magnolia Junior High - Amanda Dun, Jenny Fontenot, Karen Coldwell, Lizabeth Luna & Michael Morse
Entry into the club twice a week only has one requirement for students: no missing grades! The program combines what students want to do with what they need to do and will improve student achievement! This grant is made possible by the Coach Morris Grant honoring the life of a former Magnolia West High School soccer coach, Alex Morris.
Leveling the Playing Field: Translator Devices
Lyon Elementary - Diana Barron
Funding for translator devices that will help bridge communication gaps, and support accessible classroom learning with live captioning, cross-language understanding, and multilingual conversations among students and educators.
Boogie Board: no more Expo markers
Lyon Elementary - Tyler Behrens & Lindsey Mathison
Their grant for boogie boards will allow 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-grade students to enhance their reading horizons, practice cursive writing, word work, sentence construction and so much more.
Field Trip in a Box: Themed field trip boxes
Nichols Sawmill Elementary - Ashlee Copp
Themed field trip boxes will bring fun, TEKS-based field trips directly to the classroom and will include artifacts, books, puzzles, costumes, and many more manipulatives!
Jump into Decode Mode: Decodable Readers
Nichols Sawmill Elementary - Bettie Atchley, Vanessa Berna, Audrey Taylor & Michele Giblin
Jump Into Decode Mode will place high-interest decodable readers in the hands of Kindergarten through 4th-grade students at Nichols Sawmill Elementary. These reading opportunities will allow students to engage in repeated reading, partner reading, echo reading, independent reading, and teacher-led modeling of rate, accuracy, and expression.
Here’s A Book, There’s A Book, Everywhere’s a Book - book club
Williams Elementary - Debra Kurten
This project will provide students the opportunity to explore books relevant to their interests while promoting reading skills and allowing kids to engage their imagination, gain knowledge, and cultivate a lifelong love of reading.
School to Table: Aquaponics System
Magnolia West High School - Meghan Spagnoli, William Woljevach, Brian Breech, Abigail Laskowski, Madeline Boudreaux & Kyndal Lange
The School to Table grant will be utilized to fund a cross-curricular aquaponics system that will teach students the relationship between animals, plants, and sustainability. Students in multiple classes will learn how to care for the system and reap the benefits by growing plants and fish to be used in aquatics, agriculture, biology, and culinary classes. At the end of the school year, students will be harvesting the fish and the edible plants in order to bring what they are doing at school, right to the table! Congratulations Meghan Spagnoli, William Woljevach, Brian Breech, Abigail Laskowski, Madeline Boudreaux, and Kyndal Lange! This grant was funded by the Coach Morris fund.
Planting Seeds & Growing Skills: Garden
Magnolia West High School - Alexandra Jacobsen
The Planting Seeds and Growing Skills for Life grant by Alexandra Jacobsen will expand a school-based enterprise for students in special education programs who grow and propagate plants to sell to the school community. This gives students hands-on work experience that allows them to apply the skills they are practicing in the classroom. All proceeds are used to continue to fund the enterprise!
Operation Break Free from Average Algebra: Escape Room using math
Magnolia West High School - Stacie Hinkelman, Kelley Hallonquist, Christen Harris & Angela Rhody
Gives students an enhanced experience through an escape room game approach. Students will solve problems, crack codes, and fully engage as they work together and gain mastery of key concepts.
Edible Art: Edible Ink Printer
Magnolia West High School - Abby Laskowski
Will now be able to use an edible ink printer! The printer will allow students to combine art, design, and cooking to create desserts.