Welcome to Magnolia ISD
We are glad you are here!
As a new family in Magnolia ISD, the information below should provide helpful information on how to enroll your student(s).
If you are new to Magnolia ISD and are currently residing in the MISD attendance zones, you must register as a new student.
You do not need to enroll a student who attended Magnolia ISD last year. Any transitions from elementary to secondary will be automatic.
Parents of returning and current students will need to complete the Annual Verification Process each year.
Parent Online Registration Instructions - English
Parent Online Registration Instructions - Spanish
Attendance Zones
Due to boundary scaling, some streets/street segments near or on the district boundary lines may appear to be inside (or outside) of the Magnolia ISD boundary. For confirmation of the school district in which an address is located, please refer to Montgomery County Appraisal District's (MCAD) website. (To execute the search on MCAD's website, you will need to know the address or property ID.)
Use our School Site Locator to check your attendance zone.
Need help registering? Contact our Parent Help Desk here.